If you’re struggling to play your best golf then the chances are you’re making one or more of these mistakes…
- Thinking about your swing while you’re over the ball. Playing with your head and not your heart
- Changing your swing or style while out on the golf course
- Trying too hard
- Playing shots you know you shouldn’t
- Playing differently under pressure (I call this choking)
- Playing safe or steering the ball
- Playing like you practice not practicing like you play
- Devoting little or no time to putting and chipping
- Using clubs that look good in the bag not ones that feel right
- Being too scared to make a change for the better
- Not allowing yourself to do something remarkable or have fun
- The big one. Not automating your golf game
This list came from the top of my head in a few minutes. Feel free to add your own thoughts.
Good golfing,
Richard Soady
April 2, 2008Not following your address (pre-swing) routine.
April 2, 2008Cameron
I would also add course management to the list, playing on automatic I am definitely hitting the ball better and feel better at the end of a round. I have only played 3 rounds truly playing automatically and forgetting about swing thoughts that had become a habit. I have not yet seen much improvement in my scores (I know it’s not far away).
For example in my last round on two holes I hit my driver beautifully, automatically with a slight draw just the way I had envisioned to the target I had wanted but the combination of hitting the ball well, the slight draw and the hard ground the ball kept rolling down the fairway further than I had hit before the result being I ended up behind a tree with no shot out. With little things like this happening now I am hitting the ball better, cleaner I have not seen great improvement in scoring (but I know it will happen). So with the confidence of hitting the ball better it is now time to think about ball position (course management) instead of swing thoughts and take less club off the tee and get into a better position to approach the green. I would be interested in hearing your thoughts on this.
Cameron Strachan
April 2, 2008Hi Andrew,
Better course management will help you shoot better scores. Yes, you may need to take a more conservative approach from the tee – get the ball “in play” or “between the trees” and you should start seeing some results.
Learning to automate your game is probably the most important step you’ll make. Unfortunately it does allow you to hit the ball further
I’m sure you’ll be able to work your way around this.
Let me know of your progress.
Good golfing,
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