I had toyed with the idea of getting closer to the ball but never really did it thinking it could be incorrect but I look forward to getting out and trying it now.
Cheers Lukey
Good stuff on the chip but ,to me, better was hearing you have full control back. Hearty congrats.
All the best. Leon
Ps. I’m still on the easy one and going well. Matt Guyatt went straight to the hardest and thought it was great for instant feedback learning. Hope it goes great for you.
June 16, 2013I had toyed with the idea of getting closer to the ball but never really did it thinking it could be incorrect but I look forward to getting out and trying it now.
Cheers Lukey
June 17, 2013Good stuff on the chip but ,to me, better was hearing you have full control back. Hearty congrats.
All the best. Leon
Ps. I’m still on the easy one and going well. Matt Guyatt went straight to the hardest and thought it was great for instant feedback learning. Hope it goes great for you.
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