A little golfing champion

I received the video below from a regular reader. It put a smile on my face and I’m thrilled to see little Henry do so well. We can all learn a lot from watching this small clip.

  • I love the way he tosses the second ball onto the ground and then “dances” up to it. Hits this shot to about a foot by the way
  • He is so free flowing. Also love the way he holds his finish
  • He is not thinking about “how”. He’s just playing the game

I love it! We’re all like this when we are young. Somewhere along the way we start thinking too much, trying too hard and forget to just hit the ball. It’s a shame really. When we “try” and do things right we tend to stuff things up.

If you’ve been struggling with your game you should take a leaf out of Henry’s play book. I reckon this won’t be the last we see of him.

Watch the video below.


Video published with permission

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  • Lukey

    Reply Reply October 27, 2012

    Totally refreshing isn’t it.

  • Ian

    Reply Reply October 27, 2012

    A natural swing really loved it.

  • Troy Vayanos

    Reply Reply October 28, 2012

    Some great natural talent there, I can see this young boy really developing a strong game over the coming years.

    Too many golfers think too much over the ball.

    What we can learn from this young boy is, he doesn’t think and just stands up to the ball and lets it rip.

    Good luck to him

  • Jacques de Kay

    Reply Reply October 28, 2012

    What a swing, future champion!

  • Louise Pearce

    Reply Reply October 31, 2012

    Keen observation here – on Henry’s part – Eample, example, example – I say, in everyway with young children.

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