The importance of intensity
I’ve made a comeback! I’m now playing soccer (real football) once a week. Played as a kid but haven’t pulled on the boots since I was 16 – and I’m loving it. My only regret is I didn’t start doing this sooner because I’m really enjoying the team aspect and getting outside and running around.…
The Great Golf Hoax
Is that you need a perfect golf swing to play great golf. But it’s rubbish. The golf swing is only part of the game. If you believe in this hoax you’ll make golf way harder than it needs to be. In fact, and this is totally counter-intuitive, when you stop stressing about your mistakes and…
Teaching versus coaching
Here at GolfGooRoo Global headquarters I bang on a lot about teaching versus coaching. For starters, I like coaching. Don’t care much for teaching. Why? Because teachers just tell us what to do. “stand this way” “don’t do that” “swing slower” (insert instruction here) You get the idea. In my mind, teaching is outdated. It…
Boring golf?
A key to mastering your golf is staying in the game and enjoying the process during the uneventful (one could say the boring) parts. There’s not always going to be birdie putts and long drives. Sometimes you’ve got to chip from the rough or take a penalty drop. Other times, you’re looking at simply progressing…
How to trust your golf swing [part 2]
In yesterday’s lesson I discussed the important of trusting your golf swing. Today’s lesson is going to go deeper. Here are some practical drills you can use to build trust and help remove the straitjacket from your game. Hitting shots with eyes closed – Start at home in the backyard or garage. Without a ball,…
Trusting your golf swing
Golfers everywhere are looking for the inner belief that they are going to make a good shot. This inner belief is what leads to confidence and ultimately better scores – so it’s worth exploring this concept further. It is a magical feeling when you’re over a shot and you know with every fibre of your…
How to coach a junior golfer
Had an interesting email exchange with a client during the week. He wanted to know my thoughts on coaching his young son. While this article refers to a beginning golfer, the same rules apply, whether you’re coaching a junior golfer, or an adult who is new to the game. [Start of Article] Coaching isn’t about…
It’s OK to be hungry
I’ve lost 6 kilos in 3 weeks. And I’m not on a diet. Instead, I decided I needed to get serious and change the way I thought about food. I’ve slowed down. I try not to gorge myself and I try harder to saviour each bite. From here I discovered how awful sugar is. So…