Dumb Shot Addiction

Do you let stupid shots ruin your score? Like when you go for the hero shot when you know you should play safe? Pesky is the biggest problem here. That little voice that’s in your ear and he keeps telling you, “Go for it! You can do it”. And the second the ball leaves the…

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Are you prepared to play badly?

I used to be captain of the “I take golf too seriously” team. Would stand on the first tee and wanted to play so badly that I wasn’t much fun to be around. And never played that well either. When I gave myself permission to make mistakes and be human, some interesting things happened, –…

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“But the golf swing isn’t a natural move”

Yes, but learning is natural. And being told to hold the club exactly like this, swinging on this plane, cocking your wrists and rotating like that goes against our instincts. We hardly ever make other skills this complicated. Sometimes, the best solution is to walk up to the ball and hit the guts out of it.…

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Bad golfing attitude…

Golfer gets up on the first tee and sprays his shot into the trees… “I’m the worst golfer in the world” “I’m going to have a terrible round” “Everyone probably thinks I’m useless” “My golf game is no good!” “I always stuff up under pressure” The problem with these thoughts is we start to believe…

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Don’t go in the water …

Don’t hit it out of bounds. Watch out for the deep rough. Please don’t three-putt. It’s easy to focus on what we don’t want. We can get all caught up on the bad things and forget about what it is we’re trying to do. The best attitude you can have is to focus on what…

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