Category Archives: Golf Instruction

The golf instruction techniques that have come from natural learning and scientific principles.

How to stop hitting the golf ball fat

I caught the end of a popular Melbourne radio show yesterday. It’s a regular golf segment and they tend to finish off with some listener questions, with a local golf pro offering advice. One guy called in and wanted to know how to stop fatting the golf ball. His thinking was he wasn’t getting onto…

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How to improve your short game

Chipping is the worst skill I see in most amateurs. Many golfers will argue with me and say their driving is worse but it’s not. Chipping is by far the biggest cause of high handicaps the world over. I’m willing to bet that you’re not special or any different here – chances are if you’re…

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How to coach a beginner golfer

Coaching isn’t about you. It’s about your pupil. So don’t go ramming as much information/content down you pupil’s neck (replace pupil with wife, nephew, student, child etc). This is probably the number one mistake rookie coaches make when trying to help someone play better golf. It’s especially true when helping someone new to the game.…

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Don’t Panic

Two things can happen when the pressure mounts. 1. You start to think and analyse your every move. This seems like the right thing to do but it almost invariably leads to choking. 2. You keep playing and don’t let distractions settle. Option one happens for most by default. Option two takes a clear head…

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2 Powerful Golf Learning Fundamentals

1. You need to be very clear in your intention. In other words, what are you trying to do or what is your target?. On a difficulty scale this one is pretty easy, maybe, 4 or 5 out of 10. It’s easily forgotten when we get lazy or start playing well (or poorly). 2. Be…

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The best golf coaching

There is no better way to improve your golf than with a coach who is dedicated to helping you. When the instruction and delivery is correct, magic can happen that allows for improvement far beyond what you’d think possible. Good coaches need knowledge in mechanics, learning, psychology, strategy and equipment. Timothy Gallwey, author of the…

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A proper golfing mindset

My frustration took to new levels last weekend. And it had nothing to do with my own game (I’m quite satisfied with my play these days). There’s a young bloke at my club who I’ve invested some time with. I can see the potential and I also see the errors of his ways. He actually…

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Taking a giant leap with your golf game

The following comment comes from Frank, a PGA Member, who is starting to make some significant strides with his game (and those of his pupils). But he has hit a bump in the road. When I started just chipping away at home without a ball for 5 minutes a day I noticed some amazing things…

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