Category Archives: Golf Instruction

The golf instruction techniques that have come from natural learning and scientific principles.

The stupid golfer

Most golfers are process oriented: They turn up, go through their normal routine and hope for the best. Typically they don’t change – they’re locked in and aren’t aware of any new opportunities. There’s also little fear because they rarely step outside their comfort zone. Some golfers play a different game: They’re prepared to step…

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A mindset for playing golf

This is important but I’ll keep it short. Too many of us try and combine playing golf with thinking golf. By thinking I mean, thoughts on technique, worrying about the score or concern about others. The bottom line is playing golf and thinking golf are completely different and need to be separated. But most don’t…

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Golf Game Review – Steady

Here’s a video review of long time automatic golfer Steady. Just recently he shot a round of 51 stableford points. He is very close to owning his golf game and finding greater enjoyment and meaning. Please watch the video below. For best results view in full screen mode. Interesting points: Free flowing swing – it’s…

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Simple and Easy

What’s the simplest and easiest shot I can hit right now? If you’re struggling with your game, playing inconsistently and are just stuck, then this is the phrase I want you to have ringing in your ears the next time you play. Aim to hit the simplest and easiest shot. Not the one you think…

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Why golfers don’t play as well as they should

A lot of golf coaches don’t like what I’ve got to say about golf instruction. As a matter of fact, I often get accused of being a renegade or a “rogue”. You see I’m convinced that all golfers, of all standards, could be playing better golf, enjoying themselves more and playing to their potential if…

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A new age lesson …

… join a tribe of like minded people. One of the best things I’ve ever done is start this golf blog. It has helped to consolidate my ideas and talk daily (mostly via email) with golfers from around the world. It is also been my secret weapon to improve my game. I’m not trying to…

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When playing your way challenges the norms

I believe in being different. It’s not that I’m against traditional concepts, it’s just that most of them haven’t worked that well for my golf game. This is a risky post to write (that’s why I’m writing it) because I could come across as a renegade and golf basher. But that’s not my intention. We…

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I'm no good

“I’m no good”, “I never hit good shots”, some days Pesky can rule your mind and fill it with all sorts of garbage. And it can get worse. The next step is you start believing him. You keep making up stories like, “yeah, I always miss those little putt”, “last week I hit it out…

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