Category Archives: Golf Instruction

The golf instruction techniques that have come from natural learning and scientific principles.

A different mindset for better golf

Golf always gives you a next shot. You can hit a terrible shot over the fence or have a shocker of a day and console yourself with the fact there is always the next shot or the next round. But the problem with this is you can fall into some poor thinking. Because you get…

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A better way to practice your golf

Here’s a better way to practice golf. Don’t keep practicing success. Push yourself a little so you make a few errors and you feel a little uncomfortable. This doesn’t mean you try the impossible shot – but strive to reach for those shots that seem slightly out of reach. Why? Because this is how you…

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Fancy Fails

It’s good to be back after a short spell. I’ve used the break to spend some time thinking about my game and what I’d like to achieve. The upshot of my thinking is that I’ve been working too many hours and not doing enough I’ve what I really enjoy doing. And that is to get…

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Simplicity Wins

The more simply you approach playing golf the better you’ll do. Problems arise when you make a mistake and Pesky wants to assert his power. The normal thing (what you’re probably doing now) is to think and try and work out what you’re doing wrong. This is complicated. It takes effort and almost always leads…

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An important golf lesson you've probably never thought about

For some time now I’ve said that “the walk to the golf ball” is the most important part of the swing. There’s good reason for this. If you can’t walk properly, then you’ll never be able to make good use of your skills. You’ll never be able to automate your golf swing and you’ll find…

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How to stop choking on the golf course

Stuffing up the last few holes seems to be a common problem. Just this week I received an email from Julie who managed to lose the last four holes in her match to finish square. This type of thing can be incredibly frustrating and unless you have a strategy, it can keep happening time and…

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An effective golf tip

Looking for a golf tip that will help you in your next game? If you know me you’ll know I’m not a fan of golf tips. But what I’m about to share with you is a strategy that can be used throughout your round to maximise your chances of playing your best golf. So it’s…

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3 ways to unlock your hidden golfing potential

[Audio clip: view full post to listen] Click to listen to audio version Golf can be a shit of a sport. We can get bogged down with how poorly we are playing. We get worried about what we’re doing wrong. There’s also panic about what others are thinking and the feeling of embarrassment can hit…

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