Category Archives: Golf Instruction

The golf instruction techniques that have come from natural learning and scientific principles.

If I had to rebuild my golf game

A golfing mate quizzed me tonight on how I would rebuild my golf game if I had to start from scratch. This is not the first time I’ve been asked this question, and it was a bit of fun thinking about it. The last five or so golfing years have been great for me. I…

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The ideal mindset for golf

The below images sum up my ideal mindset for playing great golf. It doesn’t matter how good your golf swing is or how talented you are, if you can’t block out distractions (anxiety and self-doubt for starters) then you’ll always be plagued by inconsistent play. On the other hand, if you can control your emotions,…

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Mastering Your Golf Mind

Your Golf Mind This lesson probably should have come before the last one. It is incredibly important and something you must understand and be able to apply. It is especially relevant if you’re struggling to play automatic golf. The stages I’m about to talk about will be explained in Cameron speak – they may not…

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Find your groove

It’s important that your find your groove. Another way of saying this is finding your natural golf swing. This means that you’ve got to find (and use) the golf swing that feels good to you. More importantly, it means you’ve got to use the golf swing that works. So if your natural shot is a…

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An automatic champion

Geoff Ogilvy’s performance in the SBS Championship really impressed me. It was obvious that he was playing his game and determined to stick to what he was comfortable with. His after match press conference gave more insight that any automatic golfer should take on board. I will include his quotes and my thoughts underneath. Here’s…

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A lesson for everyone

The last round of the SBS Championship in Hawaii made fascinating viewing. Not only in the course a beauty (I haven’t played there but I have it on good authority it is) there were some fantastic lessons to be had. For us automatic golfers there were some great examples of how to play the perfect…

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A mechanical golf swing advantage

Want to know how you can improve your golf swing quickly and gain an unfair advantage at the same time? Even since witnessing a presentation by the Austrian Ski Team’s biomechanics, I’ve been fascinated with how to get someone to improve a physical skill. It’s simply not enough to tell someone what to do, you…

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Don't get distracted

Golf delivers many distractions. Other players Your score Possibilities – like, “If I make this putt I’ll be on track for my best score” Hazards and other trouble Your mind There’s more but that’s a good start. I played nine holes this morning. A great way to walk off Christmas dinner and get some fresh…

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