Category Archives: Golf Instruction

The golf instruction techniques that have come from natural learning and scientific principles.

Are you scared of hitting bad shots?

Some golfers get nervous when they start playing well. They make up stories and try and work out why they’re playing so well. Hitting better shots, seeing improved performance can take some adjusting. It’s nerve racking. This is a problem but it’s the lessor of two evils because many golfers are scared to death of…

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Choosing the right club

(you’ll need to watch the video to get the full story) Let me set the scene. Evan, the golf geek, has just hit a great drive on the toughest hole. He has about 170 metres to the centre of the green, back pin, deep bunker to carry and into the wind. He wants to hit…

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How would you swing the club if…

Your golf swing was consistent? You knew the next shot was going to find its target? You had confidence surging through your body? You felt invincible and poor shots were NOT a possibility? The fairway seemed massive and the rough small? The only other question I have is this; Why aren’t you swinging like this…

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The perfect golfer

Evan has been helping out with some of the golf videos I’ve been shooting. As a payback he has been getting some assistance with his game. He is a good golfer but I think he is letting himself down. Here’s why. He is trying too hard. He his scared of making mistakes and is trying…

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What makes golf hard

David is a good golfer. He has talent, commitment and a keen desire to improve. But he has been struggling. The reason? He is impatient. He is expecting too much and trying to play perfectly. The result? He gets tight. He plays safe and he is not letting go. And this is the hard part.…

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How to become a great golfer

The Internet is full of information on golf. You only need spend a few minutes and you can find hundreds (yes hundreds) of golf websites all promising the same thing. Instant gratification and improvement. Now you’ve got to be careful here because there is a huge difference between marketing hype and reality. It takes years…

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Perfect golf is a myth

Playing perfectly seems like the right thing to do. But it isn’t. The “perfect golf” mindset is holding you back from playing better golf. It makes you tight It makes you play safe You’ll think too much about your swing You’ll analyse your game and make up stories You’ll lack confidence You’ll continue to go…

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Allowing the magic to happen – Club Championship article #4

The Club Championship final is played over 36 holes. My opponent was the leading qualifier and was the inform player in the club. I knew I would have to play well to beat him as he had been posting some great numbers. I used to always struggle with important matches. I had the ability to…

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