Category Archives: Golf Instruction

The golf instruction techniques that have come from natural learning and scientific principles.

Overcoming poor golf – Club Championship article #3

The thing with golf is that you’re never going to be able to play each shot well. If you play long enough, there will be times when you hit the worst shot at the worst possible time. You’ve only got to watch Tiger Woods for a duration of a tournament to see that he can…

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Course strategy with Matt

Matt and I spent 90 minutes on the practice fairway hitting shots, chipping balls, playing bunker shots and putting. We finished the session by playing 9 holes. This is where it all comes together and is the only true way to measure your game. If you can’t take your game onto the golf course then…

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A five minute bunker lesson with Matt

Bunker play requires a sound understanding of the technique involved. From here the standard green-side bunker shot becomes straight forward. The key concepts are: 1. Ball forward in stance – because you are not striking the ball but rather the sand first. (the opposite of the chip shot) 2. Open club face – the sand…

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A simple putting philosophy

Matt is a simple mind. He will never get too technical or concerns himself with golf theory. This is a good thing and a personality trait that should fast track his performance. Mindful of keeping things simple here’s the putting strategy that I gave him… Practice only two types of putts – 30 footers and…

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Chipping with Matt

Matt hasn’t been playing golf that long. He was an AFL champ until he got hooked on golf. Although he is strong, supple and coordinated he lacks the finesse and touch around the greens. It is a real weak link to his game. Probably costing his more shots than his powerful, but erratic, long game.…

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Mindless Exercise

Matt is a young player at my club. He is keen, talented and desperate to improve his golf game. Like a lot of young kids he works part-time, so he can devote plenty of time to the improvement process. But Matt hasn’t learned how to practise correctly. He is wasting time by getting what I…

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The Automatic Puzzle

Automatic golf will allow you to play your best golf. Your learning system will guarantee it. But there is a problem. And that is golfers have been conditioned to think so much about technique that when it’s absent they lose trust in automatic. This is something that I’m continually fighting. But automatic golf doesn’t mean…

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An Ignorant Mind

It took me a while to understand the automatic process. Along the way I accidentally stumbled onto the correct mindset only to not believe in it or try some other quick-fix that led to poor performance. But I got there in the end. One thing that assisted in my progress was having what I call…

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