Category Archives: Golf Instruction

The golf instruction techniques that have come from natural learning and scientific principles.

A golfing “blackout”

David said, “Anyhow, I’m sort of in a bit of a “blackout” period in the sense that there is nothing much to say or think about…” He has come a long way and is not analysing or thinking too hard about his game. He goes on, “… Just keep on hitting balls at the range,…

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Strange golfer shows me a better way …

His swing was short, really short and had this funny loop to it. When I first saw it my initial reaction was to laugh. It was a golf team practise night and I thought Gary was a ring-in. How on earth could this guy, with this strange (some would say horrible) swing, be good enough…

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[Example] Why many golfers can’t chip the golf ball

Below you’ll see some images of Ben chipping. He’s not a super regular golfer but is a keen sportsman. He plays cricket and opens the bowling for his team – he told me the week before he bowled 19 overs in a row. So he’s not a complete hacker – he has hand eye coordination…

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Don’t forget to hit the ball

Friend: I had a lesson the other day and it didn’t go so well. Me: What happened? Friend: There was a lot of talking and the Pro got me to do a number of things each time I hit the ball. Me (interrupting): How did all the instruction make you feel? Friend: Awkward. My mind…

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I used to play off …

Heard it 100 times. “Cameron, I used to play off 9 (insert your lowest handicap number here) but I have now lost the plot” Here’s the usual story: Golfer gets down to a fairly low handicap before Pesky and the adult mind kicks in. Golfer doesn’t really know they’re off a low handicap and think…

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I just want to get my golf handicap down

I received an email from John the other day. I’d like to reduce my handicap from 7 to 6 Here was my reply. I think you’re selling yourself short. Your handicap is a stupid number, a number that us crazy golfers use to try and judge ourselves. How would you play if you didn’t care…

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Stop trying so hard – here’s an alternative for better golf

When we get over the golf ball there’s all sorts of stuff going on in our mind. There shouldn’t be but that’s just how it is. Don’t stuff this shot up Please get over the water Don’t hit it out of bounds Please make good contact Oh please God, let me NOT embarrass myself A…

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The builder’s mentality and why it’s wrong for your golf game

First off a confession. I’m absolutely terrible when it comes to building anything and working with my hands. One of my first jobs out of school was working in a metal foundry, and while I did have to use some tools and machinery, I hated it and decided then and there that it wasn’t for…

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