Category Archives: Golf Instruction

The golf instruction techniques that have come from natural learning and scientific principles.

Why automatic golf is easy

Dear golfer, I’m learning quickly in this business that golfers don’t like change or trying something new. Many are skeptical that what I’m offering is far fetched and requires a new swing or some special talent. This couldn’t be further from the truth! When you learn to play automatically you are playing with a golf…

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Your best golfing skills versus your worst

Dear golfer, This post might seem a little controversial so I’ll do my best to explain myself. It also might not be for everyone, but it is something worth considering in my opinion. I realised some time ago that improvement in golf is not always obvious, that to make significant progress can be difficult because…

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Great results

Dear golfer, I really enjoy playing great golf. Especially when I fully experience the joy of the automatic process. The game seems easy and anything is possible when I get into the right frame of mind. On Saturday I had my worst game in a long time. I struggled to a 79, lost a golf…

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How to improve your skill level

Dear golfer, As you know I’m a big fan of playing golf automatically. This means that I prefer to hit the ball instinctively, without undue thoughts on technique or style. I believe this approach has helped me transform my game from tight and boring, into a consistent and powerful one. The difference is staggering –…

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Turn your back on putting for better results

Dear golfer, The following is something that I use to help me relax and focus before an important putt. I know ALL putts are important, but some are more crucial than others. Like the putt for par that will get your round back on track or a putt to win the money on Saturday morning.…

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Why golf posture and stance are not important

I can’t help but think that golfers become unstuck when they try and stand correctly to the ball. They are determined to get every part of the stance correct. They make sure their posture is right, their stance is square and the ball is located in the perfect postition. For the most part these golfers…

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Improvement is not always obvious

Dear Golfer, I think improving at golf can be difficult because the path to do so is not always obvious. In fact, I believe if you want to reach a higher level of play you need to take counter intuitive steps. These steps are not obvious and actually go against traditional concepts. This approach can…

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Thoughts On Swing Tempo

“You’re swinging too quickly!”. How often have you heard that? If you’ve been playing golf for any length of time then I bet you’ve been told that many times. More than likely after a bad shot or two. Many golfers like to help their playing partners by giving this type of advice. I don’t like…

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