Category Archives: Golf Instruction

The golf instruction techniques that have come from natural learning and scientific principles.

How to simplify your golf game

There’s a minefield of information available to us, Google, Youtube, TV, Books and DVDs. And if you feel the need you can spend hours, weeks, months and years trying to get through it all. But does more information help? I think not and if you’re to play your best golf you need to minimise what…

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The art of blogging and playing better golf

One of my other jobs is helping small business owners create what I call “education marketing” systems. I’ve helped a number of clients spread the word about their expertise and along the way assist their customers get what they want. It’s a classic win-win. I’ve repeated the process over the years and love to watch…

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Why your golf pro has failed you

I like creating this blog. Somedays I think I have nothing to say but then a thought or idea pops into my head and I’m away. Another thing I enjoy is getting feedback. And over the years I’ve really started to embraced those that challenge what I say. It’s kinda boring if everyone praises everything…

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How to cure the golf shanks

Received this the other day from a new subscriber after a few emails back and forwards and after he had read my book: I have to say my ball striking with irons and woods is really really good BUT with the short irons (PW/9i) from 115-130yards I seem to have developed the shanks (doesn’t happen…

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How to take your golf to the next level

I was standing on the 17th green and my mind was wondering all over the place. Why are you playing so poorly? Why are you feeling nervous? What are you scared of? This guy should have beaten you by now but he doesn’t want to win… It was my first time in the finals of…

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Not sure golf can be any more complicated than this …

I have long since given up trawling the Internet looking for golf instruction and ways of improving my golf game. The main reason is there is just so much rubbish out there and it doesn’t interest me. Also, my readers like shooting me through stuff, so it keeps me somewhat in the loop. The following…

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Slow and heavy

When I’m playing well my swing feels slow and heavy. When things aren’t going to plan it’s more like fast and light. Heavy stuff is easy to “feel” and when the club head feels heavy I have this sensation I can move the thing with power. The slow part gives me the sensation I have…

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Phil Scott shows the way to great coaching

Phil’s greatest coaching gift to his son was not to cloud his mind with technique, but keep his swing simple and natural. Phil claimed golf’s greatest champions all had an innate natural “feel”, and he wanted to liberate his son’s instincts, not stifle them. And so a swing that is golf’s version of a silk…

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