Category Archives: Golf Instruction

The golf instruction techniques that have come from natural learning and scientific principles.

A major golfing breakthrough

I used to panic, get nervous and generally stuff things up. No matter how hard I tried, how much I practised or how much I wanted to succeed, I could never get my body to do what I wanted. It’s bloody frustrating and I’m sure your golf game has delivered similar results. This is the…

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Learning to push your comfort zone

This email is rather typical of what I receive each week. Thank you for all your work helping us golfers to improve, in your article about grip from the biomechanical research you say: Grip the club across the base of your trailing hand. could you please explain exactly what this means, where in you right…

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The perfect golf swing conundrum

The search for the perfect golf swing gets in the way of playing the game. Perfection should be reserved for the golf teacher and the analytical. The problem is that nobody can agree on what is the best way. Should you swing on an upright plane or flat? Is a slower swing better than fast?…

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Let your golf technique find you

There is a different way of fixing your swing. Instead of searching for the quick fix or that magical tip, let the technique find you. And you do this by playing the game – choose a target, relax and whack that ball. It sounds a little radical but when you’re playing golf you’re actually working…

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A problem with golf coaching

Lisa is a friend of Clare’s (the way better half) and was staying with us over the weekend. Clare was showing Lisa some of my new golf training aids and Lisa, being a sporty type, was interested in having a go. Lisa had never picked up a golf club before, a complete newbie, but already…

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Making golf harder than it needs to be

James posted an insightful comment yesterday. Look how many folks have studied (and are still studying) Ben Hogan’s swing, and yet how many Ben Hogans has all that effort produced? None. No one is even close! There is only one Ben Hogan and that’s the way it will always be. Same with Jack Nicklaus, Sam…

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A tough, but ultimately easier, way to fix your golf swing

The other day I wrote about my experience of playing with some great coaches. I’ve received some great feedback from those guys and Scotty reminded me of another, more profound, incident. As mentioned, Scott doesn’t play a lot of golf. He is a once or twice a year golfer at best – this is not…

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Do you know a golfer like this?

These kind of golfers used to drive me nuts. I could never understand why they were able to play so well. All this despite, [green_tick_2_list width=”100%”] Having an ugly/unorthodox golf swing Seemingly being unprepared A lack of physical skill and talent Limited practice time Hitting the golf ball all over the place [/green_tick_2_list] It took…

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