Golf can be a nightmare at times. Just when you think you’ve worked things out, the game jumps right back and grabs you.
And before you know it, you’re stuck in a year long rut with your handicap and scores rising. If you’re not careful, you can spend years in this slump and miss out on playing your best golf.
So what’s the answer?
You know golf can be crazy. Like when you play really well when you’re sick or injured. Or have your best nine holes ever after playing the opening nine holes 12 shots over your handicap. Or you thump your longest drive of the year down the middle of the fairway after you’ve hit your first one out of bounds.
We’ve all done it and it makes us wonder why we play. Our golf game can certainly drive us mad and consistent golf can seem like a mystery.
I’ve spent the best part of 20 years researching the psychology and science of golf. Along the way I’ve learned some stuff that has enabled me to unlock my best game. Some of my findings are counter-intuitive – like learning to try less, rather than busting your gut.
There are also hundreds (probably 1000’s) of golfers from all over who have benefited from my simple, yet profound advice.
But the bottom line is this,
Our own inbuilt learning system is more than capable of delivering our best game. If you’ve ever had a good score and been in the zone then you should be playing better. All of the stress, worry and concern just gets in the way. There is a better way.
A couple of years ago I put all of my most important findings into a book, The Golfer’s Nightmare. Here I highlight the key issues holding you back, and most importantly, how you can unlock your A-game and start shooting the scores you know you’re capable of.
For many, the book gives them the confidence to play golf how they really want. From here, fun and consistency turn up – better scores almost happen by default. Here are some recent comments I’ve
“I owe you a debt of gratitude so vast that I would love to meet you in person and shake your hand”
Richard Cahill
“In the space of 3 rounds my handicap has gone down to 15, I
drove my first ever drive over 300 metres and played my home course
in 77, the best gross score I have had in 25 years”
Jeff R
If you haven’t read my book then I reckon you should do so. I guarantee it’ll help remove you from any slump and get you feeling better about your game.
You have nothing to lose.
**Special Offer**
For the next 4 days I’m having a special on The Golfer’s Nightmare. Prices have been reduced by as much as 50%. Check it out now.
Golf really is a crazy game but it does get easier when you learn to get back in control of your inner game. And this is a lot easier that you may think – most of us have the skill and talent inside us, it’s just hiding from you.
The book also comes with some bonus digital content including my best selling audio and videos. Get your hands on it now while the going is good.
October 12, 2012G’day, my first encounter with Cam was by reading his book ‘The Golfers Nightmare’. I have read the book a few times now and just the other day I couldn’t believe what I read, i.e…
“By distracting myself throughout the entire golf swing, including the walk to the ball, I blocked out all distractions and maximised my chances of playing successfully”. Its food for thought to say the least, I should distract myself from the distraction, shouldn’t I be more distracted now or less?.
October 13, 2012That probably could be clearer
something for the revised edition…
October 13, 2012Sorry Cam, I sort of took it out of context. The point your making is, to tap into your sub-conscious which is capable of vast calculations, inevitably blocking the ego (Pesky) or conscious thought patterns. Which is what you already lead the reader to believe.
Grayden Provis
October 14, 2012“The consciousness of self is the greatest hindrance to the proper execution of all physical action” (Bruce Lee)
October 15, 2012Like it! The more I study learning and performance the more I realise how important getting out of our own way is.
October 14, 2012Very in depth Grayden but so true
Grayden Provis
October 15, 2012Thats the easy bit of course. “How” is the tricky bit. Still working on that one.
October 16, 2012‘Belief & trust’, without it you are like a leaf in the wind, or a ship at sea without a rudder, or a blind man without a cane.
Doubt is the key to self destruction, probably the best weapon to use once your ball has found the fairway, green or cup, if any playing competitor congratulates you, agree firstly then highlight what might have happened, seeding your competitors thoughts highlighting potential danger instils fear into those who love there ego. Moral of the story, believe in your pre-shot routine and trust your sub- conscience without doubt then you won’t undermine your confidence. Above all, remember the good times!!!.
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