Do you know a golfer like this?

These kind of golfers used to drive me nuts. I could never understand why they were able to play so well. All this despite,

[green_tick_2_list width=”100%”]

  • Having an ugly/unorthodox golf swing
  • Seemingly being unprepared
  • A lack of physical skill and talent
  • Limited practice time
  • Hitting the golf ball all over the place

It took me a while to work out how they did it. The answer is essentially the secret for unlocking your real potential for success.

Please listen to the audio below to get the full story. It’s only a few minutes in length.


What you’ve just listened to is a short snippet of my Remarkable Golf audio. In the full version (approx 1 hour) I go into greater detail about automatic golf and how you can apply it to your game. The full version is only $5 and comes as an instant download. Play it on the way to the golf course or for a refresher and you’ll be back to your best. Best of all you’ll discover how to become one of those annoying golfers who knows how to play consistently and with confidence. You’ll drive your golfing mates crazy!

[high_impact_btn_download_now link=”” + target=”_self”] [/high_impact_btn_download_now]
(Instant download – Mp3 file)[membership_download_item_mp3 link=”” + target=”_self”][/membership_download_item_mp3]

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1 Comment

  • Adam

    Reply Reply July 12, 2013

    The original idea behind golf was to hit a ball into a hole. Why not simply play with this mindset?

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