Here’s a video review of long time automatic golfer Steady.
Just recently he shot a round of 51 stableford points. He is very close to owning his golf game and finding greater enjoyment and meaning. Please watch the video below. For best results view in full screen mode.
Interesting points:
- Free flowing swing – it’s completely uninhibited
- Plays quickly – maybe too quickly
- Hits the ball without connecting with the target – this is an advanced technique that is awesome for learning to trust and swing freely
- Always be willing to learn new shots and push your boundaries. This keeps the game interesting and ensures you continue to improve.
Leave your thoughts below.
If you’d like your own video review you can do so here
Learn all about automatic golf in my first golf book.
July 24, 2011Hi Cam,
thanks for the review.
Most of the time, I trust my alignment and where I’m aiming.
That connection with the target is what I’m missing regarding the accuracy. I just thought that the target was in the future and I had already decided behind the ball. A sneek peek won’t hurt though.
When I was with Bernie at the driving range at Homebush,that’s what we did. It’s fun and we were experiementing with different shots.
What this does, as you mention and is backed by Scotty is it broadens your skill base.
Ultimately you can think what shot do I need ( club selesction low draw, high fade etc) know the body positions/club face aligment and the feelings those swings produce at will.
Ta once again.
July 24, 2011Steady: sometimes you need to give yourself every chance of success. If this means a quick glance at the target then I’d go for it.
Grayden Provis
July 24, 2011Personally I prefer NOT to look up. It allows me to stay in my “bubble” over the ball. Looking up breaks the spell for me. I find this especially important on the long shots where I can easily fall into the trap of overhitting when I look up and see how down the fairway the ball needs to go! When I get over the ball I prefer to just become a kind of human “Iron Byron”, trusting that all my prior “Einsteining” is “locked into the computer”. Thats how I’m playing for now anyway. We probably go through different phases and change things a bit as we develop (?) On another note I really like how Steady swings. It just looks “right” for his physique. Very natural. He’s not trying to imitate anyone, just swinging how his body obviously WANTS to swing. Good stuff.
July 25, 2011I agree. His swing really suits him and has definitely changed over the journey. It’s simple and absolutely more like a dance. It will continue to get better and better over time.
Bernie Folkes
July 26, 2011Hi All
I recently had the pleasure of spending some time with Steady at a Driving Range and playing 18 holes at the course where I am a member. Steady, besides being good company hits a good ball.
As mentioned by Steady, we played a few unusual/different shots, for me, at the range. Also watching the ball and not looking up etc.
It was especially interesting when we played. We observed each other without saying toooooooooo much and without realising both watched the two guys who played the first 9 holes with us. Their routines were “not good” and they frequently made comments like “swing too fast, watch out for OOB”. One did go OOB immediately after commenting.
My home course has quiet a number of “hidden” tricks. When redesigned again a few years ago, quiet a number of “subleties” were added (eg sloping fairways, greens with saddles, shots over crests of hills, fast greens). I asked Steady whether he wanted a few words of wisdom, as he had never played the course before. He gladly accepted my offer – “silly boy”. I was very impressed with the way he played quiet a number of shots. I could tell, at times, he though I was stupid as what I suggested did not look the correct way to play. However, he loaded up and went “auto” and in the main I didn’t let him down. Sure he plays fast, like I do, however, he puts a lot of thought into what he does.
Hope you all enjoy the above “ramblings”. It was a pleasure meeting and playing with Steady. I can see and appreciate his belief in Cameron’s way.
July 30, 2011Great stuff Steady and Cam.
I am finding that I am more likely to swing freely, without trying to guide the ball to the target, when I don’t look up at the target before I swing. I feel thet looking up causes me to want to steer the ball, whereas when I just set up and swing freely the swing feels free and uninhibited. it takes a lot more trust, especially with OB and/or water down one side(or both) of the fairway. But freedom in my swing is the most important thing for me.
I am working on just taking in the conditions(wind, slopes, etc), looking generally at the target area, then looking at the orientation of the ball(the alignment of the logo in relation to the target, without trying to align it with the target). Then just start the counting or sing song, walking in to the ball, setting up ‘comfortable to the ball'(not trying to place feet in relation to ball), then swing away freely whilst counting up or back(from 100 or any random number).
the next big step for me is to continue with the counting or singing during the flight(hopefully) of the ball, regardless of the outcome. Acceptance of the outcome is the other main focus for me, taking in where the ball goes in relation to the target, without attaching judgements or negative emotions to the outcome. Hard to do, but it’s a work in progress.
Am thoroughly enjoying this site, banter ‘n all.
Regards, Mike.
August 9, 2011Hi Cam
Just a small comment on the above and give my thoughts on Steady and that is I find John a person that naturally does things at fast pace and I feel it might nearly feel alien to him to actually go slower.
Cheers Lukey
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