The Golf Manifesto

I‘ve put this new golf website together. It’s a rework of my Golf Manifesto from earlier in the year. The GM gives my thoughts on learning to apply an automatic golf game and how to reach your full potential.

Check it out and feel free to share it with others. This is the first step to something bigger I’ll be releasing soon.

The Golf Manifesto

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  • Steady

    Reply Reply September 14, 2009

    Hi Cameron,
    After our converstaion today I get it. That is it is such a sly delicate trap we can set ourselves, as we gain even the slightest dose of improvement we analyse to the enth degree what we do.
    Playing golf with a differnt attitude, focus and understanding takes a lot of guts to do. We step outside traditional instruction into a completely new game of golf.
    Sure all the dissappointments and highs are still there but there seems to be greater attention to playing instead of the focus being on ourselves and analyse every facet of the swing,pitch and or putt.
    I now know for a fact that the 72 par I had 12 months ago is still there. It’s just that I have hinederd it.
    I know I won’t succeed every time I play but by playing with my head then my heart, then I give myself the best oppurtunity to play to my potential.Otherwise I’m wasting my time and would be better off hitting 40 balls on the practice range and having 32 putts and say I played a par game of golf that day.
    I hope you don’t think I was being a fool Cameron. Just that sometimes golfers can be hypnotised/mesmorised by the golf fraternity in have a good golf swing(analyse) and you will have a great game mantra. Let me know what you think.
    Cheers Steady

  • Steady

    Reply Reply September 14, 2009

    Hi Cameron,
    After our converstaion today I get it. That is it is such a sly delicate trap we can set ourselves, as we gain even the slightest dose of improvement we analyse to the enth degree what we do.
    Playing golf with a differnt attitude, focus and understanding takes a lot of guts to do. We step outside traditional instruction into a completely new game of golf.
    Sure all the dissappointments and highs are still there but there seems to be greater attention to playing instead of the focus being on ourselves and analyse every facet of the swing,pitch and or putt.
    I now know for a fact that the 72 par I had 12 months ago is still there. It’s just that I have hinederd it.
    I know I won’t succeed every time I play but by playing with my head then my heart, then I give myself the best oppurtunity to play to my potential.Otherwise I’m wasting my time and would be better off hitting 40 balls on the practice range and having 32 putts and say I played a par game of golf that day.
    I hope you don’t think I was being a fool Cameron. Just that sometimes golfers ( me included)can be hypnotised/mesmorised by the golf fraternity in have a good golf swing(analyse) and you will have a great game mantra. Let me know what you think.
    Cheers Steady

  • Cameron

    Reply Reply September 15, 2009

    @Steady: I’ve got another post coming later today. Check it out at about 10.30am. I’ll respond in full then. Cheers CS

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