Can golf instruction and improvement really be as easy as driving a car or riding a bike?
It can.
Mainstream golf instruction has let you down because it focuses too much on the wrong thing. You have not been taught how to improve your golf game. You have not been shown how to apply golf technique to your game. It’s a vital ingredient and nobody is teaching it. If you’ve failed at improving your golf game then it really is not your fault.
I help frustrated and inconsistent golfers to easily and predictably ignite their self-confidence, find their A-game and play with more power and enthusiasm with natural learning techniques that are as simple to learn as throwing a ball or riding a bike.
There’s no confusing golf tips, wasted hours on the practice fairway or heart-breaking embarrassment learning to do things your body is not meant to be doing.
Want more?
There are over 300 free golf articles on this website that explains my process in more detail. You can use the search function above or the Categories section to the right. This information is enough to give you more knowledge than 99.96% of the golf population (including golf coaches). You’ll start to understand what to improve and more importantly HOW to do it. Go for your life.
If you’re ready to get serious then download my FREE report, “How To Stop Fear Destroying Your Game”. This is essentially a summary of my coaching concepts and will get you going in the right direction more quickly then any other way I know how. This is a hard hitting, 35+ page report, that will change the way you think about golf and help you achieve golfing success.
If you have any questions then please use this link.
Thanks for taking the time to read this golf website
Cameron Strachan
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