My new blog

Hi guys. Welcome to my new blog. It has been a few months in the making but it has been worth the effort. The big difference is the domain name. is out and is in. You can still find all of the original content here.

There’s going to be some new things happening soon but in the meantime let me know what you think. If you have any questions do let me know.

I’ll talk to you soon.


PS I’ll still be writing regularly about improving your game and learning about the magic of automatic golf.

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  • Steady

    Reply Reply December 3, 2009

    Hi Cam,
    new website looks great. Hopefully you can attract potential
    investors. I’m so glad that someone such as yourself and others
    have done away with traditional coaching and opted for the natural
    way in which to learn. I’m living proof of it. Thankyou.

  • Tony Lucas (Lukey)

    Reply Reply December 3, 2009

    Nice clean looking site and easy to follow and could I attest also to Steady’s comments.I continue to look forward to further great posts and pointers.
    Cheers Lukey

  • Cameron

    Reply Reply December 3, 2009

    @Steady and Lukey; Thanks for the nice words. Still go a way to go but the site is taking shape. I’ll talk to you soon.



  • Ray C

    Reply Reply December 3, 2009

    Hello Cam,
    Really like the look of the new site. Nice and easy to scroll through and read all the interesting blogs and comments. Having a hit tonight after work looking forward to trying out the new Hybrid wood!!
    Will let you know how I go.


  • Ross

    Reply Reply December 4, 2009

    The new site is impressive and much more professional in its presentation. Unlike an automatic swing, I bet it didn’t “just happen”. :-))

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