Backwards and Forwards
Just prior to Christmas I had a coaching session with Timbo. What made it interesting was he was in his College dorm room in the USA and I was sitting in my office in Melbourne. Isn’t technology amazing! Tim needed a pep talk. He was worried about his game and thinking about making some swing…
A problem with golf coaching
Lisa is a friend of Clare’s (the way better half) and was staying with us over the weekend. Clare was showing Lisa some of my new golf training aids and Lisa, being a sporty type, was interested in having a go. Lisa had never picked up a golf club before, a complete newbie, but already…
Making golf harder than it needs to be
James posted an insightful comment yesterday. Look how many folks have studied (and are still studying) Ben Hogan’s swing, and yet how many Ben Hogans has all that effort produced? None. No one is even close! There is only one Ben Hogan and that’s the way it will always be. Same with Jack Nicklaus, Sam…
This should never happen
Golf can sometimes get us down. But it’s too good a game for the desperation to last for more than a day or so. It’s just not that serious. Bad stuff happens. I can remember being upset when I stuffed up in one of my first tournaments. On this occasion I shot some stupid score…
A golf learning paradise
My best ever golf experience was spending a week or so in Scotland with Kendal McWade. Kendal was a PGA pro who woke up one morning and realised what he was teaching was a load of rubbish. He was teaching his pupils the same way that he was taught the game. But this way had…
What I taught 3 of Australia’s best coaches
Last Thursday I got to play golf with three excellent coaches. It was a social outing, but I was keen to learn as much as possible from these guys. Scott Barrow has been talked about here (and here) before, David Rath is the High Performance Manager at Hawthorn Football Club and Damian Farrow is perhaps…
I was completely over golf coaching
It wasn’t that long that I was completely over golf coaching. I had spent years and thousands of dollars getting my swing tweaked and prodded and messing about trying to work this game out. I reached the point when I realised the standard coaching hadn’t really helped me and if anything, hindered my development. I…
An expert coach has his say
I found an email from Scott Barrow while cleaning out my inbox. Scott has been a mate for a few years and we both share an interest in coaching and thinking outside the box. This post offers two different perspectives which I hope you find interesting. Scott is not a golfer, but is coming from…