Putting those short putts with confidence

This video forms part of my Perfect Putting Platinum System. I shot this video on my mate’s synthetic green in his backyard. If you have trouble making those 3 and 4 footers then I’m sure you’ll like this video. It’s got some great content and will show you a strategy or two for putting with…

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How to sink those short putts with confidence

A little three foot putt isn’t really that difficult. In the big bad world of sport there may not be any skill that is easier – but why do so many of us struggle and better yet, how can we learn to make a short putt with confidence? In a day gone by I would…

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A "killer" putting strategy for making more putts

After watching Padraig Harrington sink three good putts in a row to win the US PGA I thought I would give you a putting strategy that has turned my putting from my weakest link to the strongest. This putting system is also part of what I taught Aaron Baddeley when he was still a junior.…

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The Putting Yips

The putting yips could be one of the worst things to happen to a golfer. Unless you’ve experienced first hand the fear, self-doubt and embarrassment the yips inflict, you probably don’t understand the fuss. But they’re real. When your stomach tightens and your mind races you know you’re in trouble. When a short putt becomes…

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